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How to make DIY refrigerator magnets out of Dollar Store Calendars - Cute holiday gift idea

Writer's picture: Christina  RainesChristina Raines

I am always on the hunt for sensible, cute DIY gifts. When I found these adorable and pretty Dollar Tree calendars, I knew there were so many possibilities. 

These magnets can be made for any season of the year by simply choosing pictures that match the look you want. I plan to make many of these and give them as gift sets to friends and family. 

They are are so much fun to make and I'm going to give you step by step instructions in this blog so that you can gift or sell this holiday season and beyond.

How To Make DIY refrigerator magnets

Supplies needed:

(All of these supplies were easy to purchase at my local Dollar Tree, Amazon, Walmart and Hobby Lobby.)

* Wood Tiles (Amazon)

* Magnets (Amazon)

* Pictures (I bought the calendars from Dollar Tree and used the pics from the back of the calendars)

* Paint (Apple Barrel Walmart)

* Mod Podge (Dollar Tree)

* Polycrylic (Hobby Lobby)

* Parchment Paper (Walmart)

* Iron


Start with painting your blocks. If you want a natural wood look, skip to step two.

Next, Mod Podge after the paint dries. You are only going to Mod Podge one side of the tile. We are going to allow this layer to dry.

Once the Mod Podge dries, you are going to affix your picture to the tile with a hot iron and the parchment paper. Turn your iron to cotton setting (hottest) and turn off the steam.

To iron the picture on the tile, place it where you want it, put the parchment paper over the tile and then iron over the parchment paper. Be careful, the tile will be very hot to the touch. Sit the tile aside so that it can cool down.

Next, use a paint brush and put a coat of polycrylic over the front of the tile. No need to do the back. Do this for all your tiles that you placed pictures on.

If you get air bubbles at all, allow to dry then repeat the ironing step with the parchment paper again.

The last step is to place a magnet on the back of the tile. I placed mine in the middle of the tile.

Once this step is done, you are finished. Now, this is a very basic approach, so you can embellish as you see fit. Add a bow, greenery, text or vinyl, anything you want. That's what makes this project so great, there are sooooo many possibilities. Have fun with it.

This would be a great little project to do with the older kids or grands. They are just tons of fun to make and super easy.

Here's your homework!

If you decide to make yourself some of these refrigerator magnets, I want to hear all about it. Better yet, send me a picture and your craft may just get featured in an upcoming blog!

Christina is a wife, mom, full time corporate America day job worker and a born crafter. Her hobbies include: reading, photography, crocheting and of course multi-crafting. Current ventures include blogging and graphic design.



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